We long to see a church that is:
Vibrant: When the church gathers there is undeniable authenticity and joy. The Holy Spirit is at work bringing renewal and new life. Eyes make contact, smiles break out, and friends embrace as each feels the warmth and welcome offered by this growing church family. You’re immediately struck by an atmosphere permeated with the love of God.
Their worship is characterised by a humble freedom that reflects the presence of God in their midst. They praise God in song with thanksgiving and sincerity. They pray often and expectantly. Christ is honoured as the head of the church. He binds them together and fills them with lively, expressive hope.
Multi-Cultural: The church’s rich diversity is reflective of the surrounding neighbourhood. This is obvious when you look at their leadership, in their gathered times of worship, and in the various ministries they support. They gladly welcome and accept one another as family. Being one in Christ means that everyone, whatever their cultural background, is loved, respected, and able to make a vital contribution.
Cross-Generational: Everyone, irrespective of age, has a voice, feels cared for and safe, and is encouraged in their faith. The church is intentional about being ‘family friendly’. This is reflected in the ministries undertaken, and the facility layout. The smiles, laughter and the energy of young children permeate their gatherings. Young and old alike understand that they belong to each other and grow in maturity together. Youth are inspired to make a lasting impact in God’s world.
A Community of Love: In this church family everyone is accepted as the unique person God made them to be and encouraged to contribute through their gifts and character, out of a full heart. Every member of the family, not just the church leaders, has a pastoral heart. They love God, love his Word, and because of that they love each other. Hospitality, worship, and relationships are prioritised over programs and activity. Generous hearts overflow in practical care for Eastwood and the wider community.
Committed to Reaching People with the Good News of Jesus: God has been at work bringing transformation and new life into the local neighbourhood. People are coming to faith and being baptised. New believers are being nurtured. This is a church ‘making disciples’ and raising leaders to see God’s kingdom built both here and beyond. The natural expectation is that everyone will be proactive in fostering relationships with friends and family who do not yet know Jesus. Their confidence to share their living hope is not in themselves, but in the power of the Gospel and a sure and certain knowledge that the Holy Spirit goes before.
Our hope The family that call Eastwood Community Baptist Church home are excited and expectant about what God still has in store for them. They look towards a brighter future of more change, more growth, and more sacrificial service in the name of the Lord Jesus. They know that in Christ the best is yet to come, and they give of themselves to see that brighter future – the kingdom of God – increasingly worked out in their ‘church home’.
They give thanks to the Lord for they know that he is good. His love endures forever.